Cuilcagh Mountains & Blanket Bog

Cuilcagh Mountain
Image provided courtesy of Google Earth

As with Lough Erne, the Cuilcagh Mountains lie on the border between Co. Cavan and Co. Fermanagh. Cuilcagh also represents the highest point in both counties, reaching 665 metres. Rainwater from the mountains flows underground and resurfaces at the Shannon Pot, which is the source of the River Shannon.


Blanket Bog

The blanket bog plateau in the Cuilcagh Mountains is rich with wildlife and adorned with plants such as butterworth, sundews, bladderwort, grasses and heathers. A variety of orchids also add to the striking nature of the area.

Many species of wildfowl inhabit the plateau. It is a common bird-watching area, where the blackbird, merlin, red grouse, golden plover, skylark and swan can all be studied. The peregrine falcon also occupies the plateau’s skies.

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