Garden Planters

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Gardening doesn’t have to be expensive – especially if you put used milk cartons to work outside!

Empty milk cartons make perfect, cheap planters. As they are quite waterproof, they will last for a long time before beginning to break down. At this stage, you can add them to your composter and make some new ones.

Making your own planters makes gardening more fun than buying planters in the garden centre!

You will need:

  • Empty milk carton
  • Scissors

What to do:

  1. Clean out the milk carton and leave it in the sun until it’s completely dry.
  2. Cut off the top part of the carton using the scissors. This part can be put into the recycling.
  3. Punch 5 or 6 holes in the bottom of the carton with the scissors.
  4. Add a small layer of stones to the bottom of the carton and then add the soil. The stones will help the water to drain.
  5. Plant the seeds and watch them grow!