World of Water

The World of Water is a website that has been developed by the National Centre for Freshwater Studies, in collaboration with the National Federation of Group Water Schemes and the Department of the Environment, Monaghan County Council.

The aim of this initiative is to educate and promote a positive attitude towards our freshwater environments, and the course Our Water, Our Resource, Our Responsibility has been developed with this in mind. It is aimed at adults and second level students, and there is also an associated workbook available for the Transition Year Programme.

This course is intended to explain as simply as possible many of the issues pertaining to water management. Like the primary school curriculum, it focuses on the protection and conservation of our drinking water sources. However the lessons here apply to the protection of all waters.

Amongst other things, participants will learn how the deterioration in our water status has occurred and the steps that we must take to put things right. The resulting course is aimed primarily at people who have an interest in water management issues, but is no less useful for a general audience.

A PDF of course notes and workbook are available to download below, and the slides for the course are available to download from the World of Water website.

Pdf Our Water, Our resource, Our Responsibility: Course Notes
Size: 2.1M bytesModified: 23 June 2010, 10:49
Pdf Our Water, Our resource, Our Responsibility: Workbook
Size: 735.5K bytesModified: 23 June 2010, 10:48


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