An Early Christian site founded by St. Ciarán in the mid-6th century on the eastern bank of the River Shannon. The site includes the ruins of a cathedral, seven churches (10th -13th century), two round towers, three high crosses and the largest collection of Early Christian graveslabs in Western Europe. The original high crosses and a selection of graveslabs are on display in the visitor centre.
The long and varied history of Clonmacnoise is recounted in an audiovisual presentation shown in the visitor centre. There are also exhibitions that deal with the flora, fauna and landscape of the region.
Cloghan Castle
Bounded by the rivers Shannon and Little Brosna, this castle was originally a medieval O'Madden stronghold. Domestic quarters were added on over the following centuries giving today a most attractive architectural composition.
Charleville Castle
Dating from 1798, this is one of the finest examples of the great Gothic house in Ireland. The entire structure stands in its original form, having never been altered externally.
For more information and a map see IrishTourist.com.
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