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Results of your search

In the results table below...
Click the 'occupants' icon to see who lived in the locality.
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[previous] Results 101 to 120 of 359 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Commons Down Castlereagh, lower Newtown ards Commons
Commons street Dublin, city of St thomas Commons street
Turloughmore commons Galway Clare Lackagh Turloughmore commons
Derrycallan commons Galway Kiltartan Beagh Derrycallan commons
Gardenblake commons Galway Loughrea Kilthomas Gardenblake commons
Commons Galway Loughrea Killeenadeema Commons
Commons Galway Loughrea Kilteskill Commons
Turloughnacloghdoo commons Galway Loughrea Kilthomas Turloughnacloghdoo commons
Commons, east Galway Leitrim Ballynakill Commons, east
Commons, west Galway Leitrim Ballynakill Commons, west
Menlough commons Galway Tiaquin Killoscobe Menlough commons
Commons, east Kerry Clanmaurice Ardfert Commons, east
Commons, north Kerry Clanmaurice Ardfert Commons, north
Commons, west Kerry Clanmaurice Ardfert Commons, west
Commons Kerry Clanmaurice Kilmoyly Commons
Gortnaskeha commons Kerry Iraghticonnor Killehenny Gortnaskeha commons
Commons Kerry Magunihy Kilbonane Commons
Commonstown Kildare Kilkea & moone Killelan Commonstown
Commons Kildare Salt, south Donaghcumper Commons
Commons, lower Kildare Salt, south Lyons Commons, lower

[previous] Results 101 to 120 of 359 [next]