Family Name Searching Tips


  • In order to get accurate results, you must enter the exact family name - i.e. precise spelling, include apostrophes where applicable etc. Please also bear in mind in cases of surnames with 'O' and 'Mac' etc. that the entry will be as it was listed in the Griffith's Survey, so if the results are not as expected, try other variations. In some cases the surveyors may have omitted the 'O' a surname in their records or many have recorded 'Mac' as 'Mc' or etc.
  • To narrow your search, enter information in relation to the place location if known
  • Each result contains the family name, the first name, county and parish. Each result also contains a link to the database details for the individual (titled 'Details'), together with a link to a copy of the original Griffith's Valuation page entry ('Original Page') and a link to the Valuation Map on which the land plot was located ('Map').


Family Name Search Video:



Place-name Searching Tips

  • Please note that the names of places or the spelling of the names may have changed since time when Griffith's Valuation took place. For example, County Laois was known as Queen's County at that time and Dun Laoghaire was spelled Dunleary. In order to get the results for these, you need to search using the name as it would have been recorded in the Griffith's Survey.
  • In order to get accurate results, you must enter the place-name exactly, including any apostrophes etc.
  • Each result contains the place-name, county, barony, parish, townland and a link to the list of occupants, the Griffith's Valuation map and the current Google map.
  • In Griffith's Valuation, the individuals are most frequently listed under the relevant townland and in cities under street names. Searching using the townland or city street, if possible, is the most accurate way to obtain the results you are looking for.
  • As the listings are linked to townland or city street and to places as they were known in the 1800s, you may find your initial place-name search has no occupants listed. For this reason, or if you are unsure of the exact place-name but know the county name, you can enter the county and check the associated listings under barony, union and parish.
  • The map collection for Northern Ireland is still being added to. While the majority of maps for Northern Ireland are available, there are some sections which do not as yet have an associated map link. This will be resolved as quickly as possible.