Coverage of the History Curriculum

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The material on the website aims to develop the skills of: Time and Chronology; Change and Continuity; Cause and Effect; and Using Evidence; through the study of evidence and information relating to the development of Cork city.

The skills of Synthesis and Communication, and Empathy can be developed through the activities and writing tasks included in the teacher notes

The content focuses largely on the strand of Local Studies, particularly investigating the development of Cork city.

The content also includes the following strands/strand units:

Buildings; sites or ruins in my locality; Homes; Early peoples and ancient societies (Early Christian Ireland, Vikings); Life, society, work and culture in the past (Life in Normal Ireland, Life in Medieval towns, Life in the eighteenth century up to life in the present day); Eras of change and conflict (The Great Famine, The Industrial Revolution, 1916 and the foundation of the State); Continuity and change over time (Homes, housing and urban developments; Transport; Workshops and factories; Barter, trade and money.)

Integration With Other Subjects