Curriculum Links, Section 3

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Section 2:

19th Century Schools in Raheny

Strands / Strand Units:

Strand: Local Studies

Strand Unit: Schools

The child should be enabled to:

  • study the development of the school over a period,

  • relate the history of the school to the history of education in the parish or local area,

  • explore the history of the school in the wider context of educational development in Ireland ,

  • use documentary and other sources.

  • Strand : Life, society, work and culture in the past

Strand Unit: Life in the 19th Century

The child should be enabled to:

  • examine and become familiar with evidence which informs us about the lives of people in the periods studied.

Strand : Story

Strand Unit: Stories from the lives of people in the past

The child should be enabled to:

  • examine some simple relevant evidence,
  • use appropriate timelines.

Strand : Continuity and change over time

Strand Unit: Schools and Education

The child should be enabled to:

  • identify examples of change and continuity in the 'line of development',

  • identify the factors which may have caused or prevented change,

  • refer to or use appropriate timelines.

Skills and Concepts:

Time and Chronology

The child should be enabled to:

  • develop an understanding of time and chronology so as to place people objects and events within a broad historical sequence.

Change and Continuity

The child should be enabled to:

  • develop an understanding of change and continuity by exploring similarities and differences between the past and present and between different periods in the past.

Cause and Effect

The child should be enabled to:

  • recognise some factors which may have caused, prevented or delayed changes in the past.

Using Evidence

The child should be enabled to:

  • examine and use critically a wide range of historical evidence,

  • make simple deductions from evidence.

Synthesis and Communication

The child should be enabled to:

  • communicate historical understanding in a variety of ways.

  • imagine and discuss the feelings and motives of people in the past,

  • discuss how an event in the past may have been perceived by those who participated in it.