Norman Conquest

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Norman nobles from England and Wales first came to Ireland in 1169, with the help of the deposed King of Leinster Diarmuid MacMurrough.

In 1173, there was a sea battle near Youghal between the Ostmen and Normans, and the leader of the Ostmen, Gilbert son of Turgar, was killed. The Normans, led by Robert Fitz Stephen and Milo de Cogan, captured Cork in 1177 and expelled the Ostmen from the city.

The  Normans increased their power throughout Ireland by building stone castles, many of whom still survive to this day.

The Normans also built stone walls. You will see examples of such historic walls in Cork later on.

Are you aware of any surviving Norman castles or walls in your locality? Perhaps your parents or grandparents may be aware of some.