Popular Songs and Recordings
This collection of popular songs and recordings provides a rich sample from the Irish music tradition. Each recording is accompanied by a short history of the music. A pdf of the lyrics is also available for the songs and there are video recordings for a number of tracks:
The recordings are by harpist and singer Brenda O'Riordan.
Brenda O'Riordan, harpist & singer
Brenda O’Riordan is from Dublin and is a noted Irish and Concert Harpist and Singer, working freelance.
Brenda O'Riordan, harpist & singer
Brenda O’Riordan is from Dublin and is a noted Irish and Concert Harpist and Singer, working freelance.
Brenda O'Riordan
Brenda O’Riordan is from Dublin and is a noted Irish and Concert Harpist and Singer, working freelance.
Kay Keohane, her late mother, herself a fine harpist and singer, was Brenda’s first teacher. Brenda then pursued harp studies under many noted teachers at the Dublin College of Music (D.I.T) and also Andreja Malir. She was awarded “Distinction in the Advanced Grade Exam.in Irish Harp” while still a teenager. She was a winner in, amongst others, the Feis Cheoil and Feis Maitiú “Harp” and “Singing with Harp Accompaniment” Competitions.
“The Dublin Symphony Orchestra” since 2010, (Musical Director Fergus O’Carroll);
“Cór Ban Chúil Aodha”(Musical Director Peadar O’Riada);
Acadamh Fodhla (Academy of Ireland) - Faculty of Indigenous Gaelic Singing, located in the Muskerry Gaeltacht,Co.Cork.
She is a frequent performer at National and International Festivals and Congerences in Ireland and Europe.
In addition she holds a B.A. (MOD.) in Irish and French; H.Dip.(Hons) in Education; M.A.from Trinity College, Dublin where she was also awarded “The Vice-Chancellor's Priza In Irish Prose".
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