A key target area is work-related travel by UNEP employees. At present, air travel is responsible for over 85% of UNEP's carbon emissions. The new strategy aims to reduce employee travel by 3% each year from 2010 to 2012.

More journeys will be undertaken by train and there will be greater investment in e-conference technology. UNEP will establish an e-communication plan where all UNEP employees are provided with access to online communication tools and online meeting rooms.

UNEP has been climate neutral since 2008, but the new efficiency measures in the Climate Neutral Strategy will enable UNEP to lead by example in promoting sustainability. Additionally, implementing the efficiency measures could save the organisation an estimated US$800,000 per year.

Under the new guidelines, which will be presented to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon today, UNEP will also introduce a 'green meetings' policy. All conferences, events and meetings need to adhere to UNEP's 2009 Green Meeting Guide, which outlines ways to reduce waste, energy use and water consumption at such events.

Greenhouse gas emissions from UNEP's offices-due primarily to electricity use- make up around 15% of the organisation's carbon footprint.

To reduce workplace emissions, all UNEP offices with 10 or more staff members will undertake in-house greenhouse gas emission reduction audits based on the Sustainable United Nations (SUN) Guide to Climate Friendly Buildings and Offices. Each office will develop preliminary emission reduction plans by December 2010.

As part of the strategy, UNEP's in-house sustainability will be overseen by staff using an Environmental Management System (EMS). This management tool will monitor the organisation's environmental impact and assist in providing progress reports on emissions targets. It will be operational by the end of 2011.

In summary, UNEP's Climate Neutral Strategy has the following objectives:

Introducing the new strategy, UN Under-Secretary General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner said: "These are bold ambitions for any organization with a workforce of over 1,000, offices across the world and a busy international calendar involving implementing projects and policies and working with governments and other partners across Continents. But we have a responsibility to lead by example, and all UNEP staff are aware that becoming more sustainable today is the only way we can protect tomorrow-and if we can get this right it should generate economic savings too.

He stressed that staff involvement would be key to the strategy's success:

"I am personally committed to seeing this strategy implemented, and will work closely with the Senior Management Team to see that this happens. It will, though, require effort and support from all UNEP staff and stakeholders, and I look to them to help us in realising these ambitions."

UNEP is coordinating a UN-wide effort to move the organisation towards greater sustainability through the implementation of the UN-wide Climate Neutral Strategy. More details can be found at www.greeningtheblue.org

For More Information Please Contact Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson/Head of Media, on Tel: +254 733 632755 or E-mail: nick.nuttall@unep.org