Cooking Methods

Bread and baking bread could be regarded as one of the cornerstones of traditional Irish cuisine. Bread is one of the oldest sources of prepared foods, dating back to the Neolithic era. For many years, making bread was a daily task which was normally performed by the ‘bean an tí’ or ‘woman of the house’. In recent years, baking and bread making have increased in popularity and are again becoming regular activities in the domestic kitchen.

Traditionally, bread was made using naturally soured milk - a habit that has since been deemed unsafe by health and safety standards. As a result, buttermilk, now understood as milk fermented with the addition of lactic acid, was introduced. Buttermilk gives the bread a distinctive, developed flavour.

Bread making has evolved and changed over the years. In olden days, it was often baked on a hot plate over a solid fuel fire, giving the bread a fantastic crust. Today, domestic bread makers have tried to replicate that effect. Traditional commercial bakeries use stone-based ovens, which also create a good crust. In our own domestic environment, bread can be cooked in a number of ways: on the pan in the form of griddle cakes, in a liquid/casserole in the form of dumplings, or of course more traditionally, in a hot oven.

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User contributions:

By Retrobite | 2018-06-15 16:47:17

Traditional Irish Recipes

Over the years Traditional Irish Recipes have been passed down from family member to family member. From these recipes other recipes have been expanded and created but the traditional recipes normally remain the same. As the year go on and many loose interest in traditional Irish cooking recipes are slowly being lost; which is such a shame. As more modern cooking methods are brought into the country along with a list of exotic ingredient the humble Irish food is slowly being lost and replaced with modern cooking. Only for the efforts of the likes of chefs likes Darina Allen and the late Mertyll Allen and the Slow Food Society many of our more traditional recipes would be lost. We also see a large number of professional Irish Chefs are starting to return to traditional cookery and are beginning to promote traditional recipe. Chefs like JJ Sheridan are creating blogs where they share their valuable knowledge so others can relearn to cook traditional Irish food. Traditional Irish recipes make use of seasonal ingredients are very simple and straight forward cooking methods that any homecook can replicate. Many of these recipes are healthy and nutritious and bring us back to a time where food was simple yet tasty. For more information on Traditional Irish Cooking why not visit for some fantastic traditional Irish Recipe. Enjoy cooking!