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What's in your bin?
What's in your bin?
Every house produces large amounts of waste every week, but have you ever wondered what makes up the rubbish you throw away? On average about 2/3 of the average household bin is recyclable.
Copyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
The three bin system
The three bin system
One of the easiest way to bring recycling into your home or work place is to start a bin system. The image shows a three bin system, but there are many varieties depending on the waste you or your surroundings are creating.
Copyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Waste facilities in Cork
Waste facilities in Cork
This is an image of the waste facilities at a Cork County Council site
Copyright John Doheny
Recycling symbol
Recycling symbol
The internationally recognised symbol for recycling.
Aircraft emissions
Aircraft emissions
Airplanes burn huge quantities of fossil fuel and are now the fastest-growing man-made contributor to carbon dioxide emissions.
Copyright John Kennedy
Irish school with trees
Irish school with trees
Trees are an important habitat and this school is showing the way to educate their pupils by having large trees - with bird feeders - on their grounds.
Copyright managed by the Library Council.
The Lough Playground
The Lough Playground
Children playing in the Lough playground in Cork.
© Cork City Libraries.
A school enclosed play area
A school enclosed play area
Did you see that the school playground was litter free?
Copyright managed by the Library Council
Croke Park as a rubbish dump
Croke Park as a rubbish dump
A representation of how much waste a person in Ireland produces in a year. Croke Park has a capacity of over 80,000 people and is on the North side of Dublin.
Rubbish near a beach, Co. Donegal
Rubbish near a beach, Co. Donegal
The Environmental Protection Agency, along with local authorities, can enforce fines for illegal dumping.
© Donegal County Council