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ENFO Desktop Background: Yellow Flag Iris
ENFO Desktop Background: Yellow Flag Iris
Great soil groups of Ireland.
Great soil groups of Ireland.
Great soil groups of Ireland. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Ireland's Biodiversity - Estimated Number of Species
Ireland's Biodiversity - Estimated Number of Species
Ireland's Biodiversity - Estimated Number of Species (Botanic Gardens, 2008; Birdwatch Ireland, 2008; DAHGI, 1998). Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
ENFO Desktop Background: Lamb
ENFO Desktop Background: Lamb
ENFO Desktop Background: Diving Duck
ENFO Desktop Background: Diving Duck
ENFO Desktop Background: Chicken
ENFO Desktop Background: Chicken
Car emissions
Car emissions
Every year, on September 22nd, we have a European Car Free Day. Across the EU, people are asked to take different types of transport like walking, cycling and public transport.
ENFO Desktop Background: Cattle
ENFO Desktop Background: Cattle
ENFO Desktop Background:Robin
ENFO Desktop Background:Robin
Our Planet
Our Planet
© Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government