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The three bin system
The three bin system
One of the easiest way to bring recycling into your home or work place is to start a bin system. The image shows a three bin system, but there are many varieties depending on the waste you or your surroundings are creating.
Copyright Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Under the coop
Under the coop
Courtesy of Frank Keane
Pollution in our natural environment
Pollution in our natural environment
Copyright Environmental Potection Agency
Ireland's footprint
Ireland's footprint
Our ecological footprint is at least one and one quarter time its ideal size and is growing.
Copyright the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Radon Detectors
Radon Detectors
Radon detectors
Courtesy of the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland
Bungalow Interior Plan
Bungalow Interior Plan
Designing your house in the right way, taking advantage of all the natural elements around it, is one of the best ways to make it sustainable to live in. This drawing shows us the rooms inside a bungalow or single storey house.
Courtesy of Irene Barber
Water Conservation Measure for Older Toilets
Water Conservation Measure for Older Toilets
Water Conservation Measure for Older Toilets
© Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Moving waste on a landfill
Moving waste on a landfill
Waste is moved around the dump.
Copyright Environmental Protection Agency
Municipal Waste
Municipal Waste
The image shows a bin on a street packed full of household and commerical waste.
Junk Mail
Junk Mail
By blocking junk mail you help stem a cycle of waste paper.