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Barlow House
Barlow House
The Droichead Arts Centre comprises two buildings – a Theatre and Gallery at the Municipal Building at Stockwell Street and the Cultural Centre at Barlow House, Narrow West Street.
Courtesy of Droichead Arts Centre
Friars' Gate Theatre
Friars' Gate Theatre
Friars' Gate Theatre and Arts Centre is located in Kilmallock in South East Limerick. They aim to provide the people of Limerick and surrounding counties with access to the best in contemporary arts practice, both professional and community, in the performing and visual arts. Friars’ Gate presents work by leading local, national and international performers and visual artists and widely enhances the community, social, cultural and business values of County Limerick.
Courtesy of Friars' Gate Theatre
Grant Goldie performing at Spraoi Festival Waterford
Grant Goldie performing at Spraoi Festival Waterford
Spraoi presents an international festival of street performance arts and spectacle in Waterford annually, normally held on the first weekend in August.
(c) Eadaoin Murphy and Spraoi
A street performer at the Spraoi Parade
A street performer at the Spraoi Parade
A street performer at the Spraoi Parade
(c) Eadaoin Murphy and Spraoi
The Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre
the Droichead Arts Centre is committed to the social and cultural development of a growing town by promoting artistic activities and facilitating active involvement in all the arts.
Courtesy of Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre has long been associated with arts and culture in Drogheda.
Courtesy of Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre
The Droichead Arts Centre comprises two buildings – a Theatre and Gallery at the Municipal Building at Stockwell Street and the Cultural Centre at Barlow House, Narrow West Street.
Courtesy of the Droichead Arts Centre
The Granary Theatre
The Granary Theatre
The Granary Theatre seeks to introduce new artists who are not well known in Ireland and to be an addition theatre and arts projects that already exist in the city of Cork. It also is a venue for Cork-based artists to debut their work.
Courtesy of the Granary Theatre
Scientific Instruments
Scientific Instruments
A sample of the scientific instruments on display at the National Science Museum, St. Patrick's College Maynooth.
Courtesy of National Science Museum at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth
Droichead Arts Centre
Droichead Arts Centre
In addition to having an extensive event listing, the centre provides premises for multi disciplinary arts activities, which include workshops, art, writing and dance classes.
Courtesy of Droichead Arts Centre