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Ireland's long love affair
Ireland's long love affair
The Irish Horse Museum located on the grounds of the Irish National Stud, Tully, Kildare
(c) Irish National Stud
Blacksmith's Forge, Knock Museum, Knock, Co. Mayo
Blacksmith's Forge, Knock Museum, Knock, Co. Mayo
Before the modern era, in rural Ireland, the local blacksmith shod horses and made all manner of tools and implements for the local farming community.
Straid Studio-Gallery, Glencolmcille, Co. Donegal
Straid Studio-Gallery, Glencolmcille, Co. Donegal
The King Studio-Gallery is an on-line annex to the studio of marine painter Kenneth King. The gallery features a collection of marine paintings in oils depicting the naval and merchant shipping of Ireland, together with the country's coastline and lighthouses.
Image © Kenneth King.
Butler Gallery, a selection from April 2005
Butler Gallery, a selection from April 2005
Butler Gallery, a selection from April 2005
Courtesy of the Butler Gallery
Thatched House, Knock Museum, Co. Mayo
Thatched House, Knock Museum, Co. Mayo
The interior of a thatched house at Knock Museum, Co. Mayo. In the 19th century the overwhelmingly Catholic tenants of Co. Mayo lived simply in thatch dwellings heated by turf fires.
Chapel of Reconciliation, Knock, Co. Mayo
Chapel of Reconciliation, Knock, Co. Mayo
The Chapel of Reconciliation at at Knock, Co. Mayo caters for the huge numbers of pilgrims who visit Knock Shrine.
Diversions Festival
Diversions Festival
Diversions Festival
All rights reserved
Aideen Barry Installation at the Butler Gallery
Aideen Barry Installation at the Butler Gallery
Aideen Barry Installation at the Butler Gallery
Courtesy of the Butler Gallery
Lifetime Lab @ Old Cork Waterworks
Lifetime Lab @ Old Cork Waterworks
Lifetime Lab @ Old Cork Waterworks, Lee Road, Cork, Co. Cork. Lifetime lab is in a scenic location on the River Lee. The Old Cork Waterworks supplied water to the city of Cork for hundreds of years and is the most complete of its type in the country. It contains interactive exhibitions in the old restored industrial buildings with original plant. The exhibits are aimed at all ages while there is also a theme playground for youngsters.
(c) Lifetime Lab @ Old Cork Waterworks
Early telegraphy apparatus
Early telegraphy apparatus
The museum also displays early apparatus associated with telegraphy, notably items used by Marconi in the first published newspaper story obtained by "wireless" transmission in 1898.
Courtesy of National Science Museum at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth