A School Reunion

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School reunions are a great way for people who haven't seen each other in a long time to get together. A school reunion for past pupils of Cloonsarn National School took place in August 2004.

It took a lot of organisation to make the event a success. Many of the school's past pupils now live in different parts of the world. A committee was set up and it decided that the reunion would take place in the Aughavas Community Centre which is on the site of the old school.

The event was a great success. Past pupils assembled from all over the world and were reunited with classmates and friends after many years. There was also a cultural day. Past pupils were treated to displays of thatching and basket making. They were also shown how to make boxty and butter.
Other schools have held reunions in Leitrim over the past few years. Many have published booklets about the school. "Cloonsarn National School 1910-1968" was launched at the reunion.