The Ulster Canal

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  • Aspects of Monaghan

The Canal Comeback

Back in 1841 canals were the talk of Ireland! With rail and road systems very scarce, canals were seen as the best way of transport around the Island.

The plan at the time was to dig and build a huge waterway to link the ports of Belfast and Coleraine with the River Shannon and onwards to Limerick.

This would have opened up trade between north and south. However, not enough money was made available to do the job properly. So instead of one big canal connecting north and south, we were left with two or three smaller canals. One of which was the Ulster Canal, which had a short and tragic lifespan.

However, it is now looking likely that the original plan will finally be put into action. Perhaps more than 150 years after its first birthday, the old Ulster Canal will live again and the dream of an Irish Canal will come true!