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  • Shopping in the early 1900s

Up until the 1990s, markets were in decline throughout Ireland. However, farmers' markets have grown significantly in popularity both across Ireland and in Waterford in recent years. The reasons for this include increasing awareness of the value of fresh, locally sourced produce and a growing public interest in organically produced food.

The markets are also an important source of extra income for farming families. Farmers' markets in Waterford today include Dunhill, Dungarvan, Lismore and Waterford City. 

In Waterford in the early 1900s, there were no supermarkets or shopping centres. Shopping at the market was often a necessity, and many people did it. Markets were held in the street and market traders sold their goods from stalls.

There was a market in Arundel Square selling a wide range of goods including eggs, butter, fruit and vegetables and fish. At the Quay, there were stalls of fish sellers from Tramore, Dunmore and Passage.