Waterford Crystal

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  • Aspects : Co Waterford

Waterford Crystal dates back to 1783 when George and William Penrose founded a glass manufacturing business in the busy port of Waterford City. At this early stage, 50-70 people were employed to help produce exports to Europe, to places such as Spain and England and also across the Atlantic to Canada and the United States of America.

Even though their product was very popular, the business had to close down because of the high level of tax placed on what they sold.

In 1947, while Europe was still in ruins after the Second World War, the business was reformed in a small factory in Ballytruckle, not far from the site of the original Penrose glasshouse.

The apprentices were trained by craftsmen from the mainland of Europe. Miroslav Havel was one of these craftsmen and he was responsible for the design and creation of famous pieces such as Lismore and Colleen.

In 1980, after the company had moved to new premises nearer to the centre of Waterford City at Johnstown, a sculpting department was set up to create original pieces for people who collected crystal.