Irish region joins Regions 4 Recycling Project
The Limerick/Clare/Kerry Region, through the Regional Waste Management Office, has signed up to participate in a European wide waste recycling project.
The region has become an active partner in the ‘Regions 4 Recycling’ Interreg IVC European project, a partnership initiative comprising 12 European Regions with the ambitious target to promote regional contributions towards a European Recycling Society.
“Under the project, local authorities in Clare, Limerick and Kerry will join other participating authorities in making performance comparisons via a common methodology and exchange of good practices in order to improve their recycling performances,” explained Philippa King, Regional Waste Co-ordinator, Limerick/Clare/Kerry Regional Waste Management Office.
The ‘Regions 4 Recycling’ (R4R) project is led by the Ile-de-France Region Waste Management Observatory (ORDIF). Meanwhile, the overall project communication is managed by ACR+ and the technical component is coordinated by the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM).
The 3-year project aims to work on a common framework for waste data observation, selective collection and recycling rates where by assessing the local instruments (technical, economic or legal) with the aim to reduce the recycling performance gap between the EU regions.
The Limerick/Clare/Kerry Region, through the R4R project, is aiming to optimize its waste management practices, through exchange of good practices and to achieve higher recycling rates with the ability to benchmark Ireland with the partners across Europe.
For more information contact :
Philippa King, Regional Waste Co-ordinator
Limerick/Clare/Kerry Regional Waste Management Office
Tel: 061 496596
Source: rx3
Summit on Universal Sustainability: DCU, June 2012
Dublin City University, Ireland’s University of Enterprise and the Sustainability Collaborative SustaiNext LLC, the leading sustainability collaborative in the United States, present a Summit on Universal Sustainability that will address the greatest challenges for businesses and society in the 21st century. It will explore - Creating, Operating and Improving Sustainable Business Practices within:
- Business and Healthcare
- Business Agriculture and Food Organizations
- The Mobility and Transportation sectors
- Sustainable Education in the Third Level
- Global 21st Century Society
The event will take place at the HELIX, DCU, from 21st-22nd June 2012. Registration is available on the event website.
Market Report on Irish Organic Waste Management and Compost Use
rx3 has generated a market report about organic waste management, compost production and compost use in Ireland. This report brings together comprehensive information about the sector for the first time.
The report notes that there has been a generally upward trend since 2000 in numbers of composting facilities operational, capacity provided, materials treated and compost produced.
Fifteen composting facilities were surveyed to gather information about markets, sales routes and perceived barriers. These facilities noted that two thirds of compost produced at these facilities is sold. Compost distributed was used in agriculture, landscaping, horticulture and amateur gardening, with a small volume used in landfill engineering and in grounds maintenance.
The report indicates that total compost consumption, currently 190,000 tonnes, could be increased to over 500,000 tonnes by production increases and consequent appropriate market development.
Follow the link to access the report (pdf): “Market Report on Irish Organic Waste Management and Compost Use”.
Source: rx3
Neat Streets Award Ceremony 2012
On the 25th May students from 10 secondary schools across Leinster were presented with the Neat Streets anti-litter award by Fergus O’Dowd Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The schools were acknowledged for their achievements in reducing litter at school and in their local communities.
The schools have made great progress in addressing litter in their schools by developing and adopting various different and innovative approaches to reducing litter and littering, such as; making art from litter, designing anti-litter websites, videoing progress, organising school clean-up events, holding litter action days, teaming up with other schools, promoting litter awareness and encouraging recycling of litter and waste.
A list of the schools awarded is available on the Green Schools website.
Green Schools Teacher Training Summer Courses 2012
There are a number of Green-Schools Teacher Training Summer Courses being held around Ireland this summer. This course will provide you with hands on resources, ideas and relevant skills to help pass on this knowledge to our future generations. Certified by Drumcondra Education Centre it will be particularly useful to teachers that are involved or want to be involved in the Green Schools Programme.
The course is designed to increase your knowledge on;
Waste management,
Energy Usage,
Water usage,
Sustainable transport,
The course is based on Daily Lectures and Field Excursions. Details of the courses are available on the Green Schools website.
Science for Environment Policy issue 285 now available online
Science for Environment Policy issue 285 is now available online. Articles include:
- Fuel options for greening public transport compared
- New climate change adaptation tool to manage waters
- Clearer bills could help reduce demand for water
- Europe's rural landscapes classified using new approach
- Improved fisheries management needed to maintain tuna stocks
- Consumers more likely to choose GM if benefits are clear
Sustainable Energy Awards 2012
The Sustainable Energy Awards 2012 are now open for applications.
The annual Sustainable Energy Awards are intended to encourage, recognise and reward excellence in energy management in the industrial, commercial, community and public sectors. The awards will focus on individuals, groups and organisations who demonstrate a commitment to include energy management as part of their overall management structure and provide an opportunity for organisations, regardless of size, to gain public recognition for their achievements in reducing energy use and emissions. This is the eighth year of this national initiative which is the only awards scheme recognising best practice in energy performance, management and design.
The awards are open to all organisations, large and small, from business, public and community sectors. Organisations in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, are encouraged to enter.
Entries to the Sustainable Energy Awards 2012 can be made on the SEAI website.
Official Strawberry Season
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Shane McEntee TD, visited Pat Clarke's strawberry farm in Stamullen, Co. Meath to sample some of his finest strawberries and witness exactly what is involved in producing one of the country's most popular fruit crops.
This year, Irish strawberry growers will pick over 5,000 tonnes of top quality strawberries with the vast majority of these being picked between now and the end of August. Speaking during his visit to the Clarke's family farm, the Minister of State said he was very impressed by the level of efficiency and the attention to detail that is involved in modern day strawberry production.
The Minister also took the opportunity to urge the public to check Country of Origin and look for the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo each time they purchase strawberries, or any other fresh fruit and vegetables.
Source: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Computer reuse charity calls on companies to donate old PCs
Camara Education, the Irish charity that reuses old computers by loading them with educational software for schools in Ireland, Africa and Jamaica, has called for individuals and businesses to donate any unwanted computers to the social enterprise. Camara has hubs in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Belfast, however a nationwide collection service is available for larger volumes.
Further information is available on the Camara Education website.
BirdWatch Ireland’s National Dawn Chorus Day Sunday 20th May 2012
National Dawn Chorus Day is traditionally the day when wildlife enthusiasts the length and breadth of Ireland set their alarm clocks a little earlier than usual and go out to enjoy a morning of beautiful birdsong. Of course, that isn’t the only day on which you can experience the marvel of the dawn chorus; the birds will be in full voice throughout early summer, and the best time to hear them is in the twilight period just before the sun comes up.
This year BirdWatch Ireland branches all over the country will be holding guided dawn chorus events on and around the 20th May: please see the BirdWatch Ireland website for the full listing (note that events on 20th May itself are hightlighted in red). They are always very popular and are ideal for beginners, so why not come along this year and see what all the fuss is about?
For further details, please call BirdWatch Ireland at 01-2819878 or e-mail
Source: BirdWatch Ireland
Science for Environment Policy issue 284 now available online
Science for Environment Policy issue 284 now available online. Articles include:
- Weeds important for restoring biodiversity in farmland environments
- New approach to developing scenarios for future of low carbon cities
- More than economic incentives needed to reduce pesticide use
- Kitchen sink study points the way to water conservation
- Assessment of total annoyance caused by combined industrial noises
President Michael D. Higgins to launch Ireland’s BioBlitz 2012
The National Biodiversity Data Centre has announced that President Michael D. Higgins will launch Ireland’s BioBlitz 2012 at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre on Friday 18th May at 16.45hrs.
All are welcome to attend.
Four sites will be competing in Ireland’s BioBlitz 2012:
Consultation on Policy Options for the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Waters
The European Commission has invited submissions online from stakeholders and the public on policy options for the forthcoming "Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Waters", which is expected to be a major policy document on ensuring the quality of Europe's waterways and water quality, within the framework of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Information on the Water Framework Directive is available on the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government website.
Further information on the consultation is available on the European Commission website.
The consultation period is open until 7 June 2012.
European Commission to address water challenges via innovation partnership
The European Commission has proposed (14th May) to boost innovation to deal with water related challenges by creating a European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Water. The partnership will bring together all relevant actors across borders and sectors, such as the water sector, small and medium sized enterprises, the research community, local governments, water-using industries, and the financial sector to accelerate the development and uptake of innovative solutions to water challenges. A Strategic Implementation Plan will be developed with key stakeholders to define the priority areas for action. The EIP on Water will seek to align the activities and outcomes of existing European, national and regional activities.
The EIP will centre on removing barriers to innovation and connecting the supply and demand sides of water related innovations. The activities of the EIP on Water will be structured around challenges in the areas of urban water management, rural water management and industrial water management, as well as addressing cross cutting themes.
Anticipated outputs of the EIP on water include:
innovation sites to identify barriers to innovation; develop, test and demonstrate concrete activities, actions, prototypes and solutions in relation to particular water challenges;
dissemination of breakthroughs and innovative solutions
removal of water innovation barriers – regulatory, financial, standardization, technical, social, etc. – which hamper the successful delivery of innovations to the market; and
a water innovation 'market place' to promote interaction between those facing water problems and those who can provide potential solutions, regardless of their geographical location.
The EIP on water is expected be fully operational in early 2013 and to start delivering first results within one year. Further information on the EIP on Water is available on the European Commission website.
Source: Europa Press Releases
Celebrate Biodiversity Week and International Biodiversity Day in Co. Waterford
In celebration of Biodiversity Week (18th - 26th May) and International Biodiversity Day, Tuesday 22nd May 2012, County Waterford is hosting a number of events around the county. These events supported by Waterford County Council cover the ecology of Ireland’s highest sand dunes, to bat biology and the importance of surveys, to the natural heritage of Waterford’s uplands, the Comeragh Mountains, to Coastal Walks in the East and Waterford’s squirrel ecology and distribution.
View the full list of events in Co. Waterford for Biodiversity Week 2012 [PDF 214KB].
Source: The Heritage Council
2012 Living Planet Report released
The latest edition of the Living Planet Report has been released. This report is a science-based analysis on the health of our planet and the impact of human activity. Its key finding is that humanity's demands exceed our planet's capacity to sustain us.
The full 2012 Living Planet Report and summary are available on the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) website.
Clean Coasts Week: Protecting Ireland’s Beaches, Seas & Marine Life
Coca-Cola Clean Coasts Week is a national initiative run by An Taisce which empowers communities to protect and celebrate their local coastal environment. The week takes place from Friday 11th to Friday 18th May 2012 and forms part of An Taisce’s Clean Coasts Programme. Ireland has 5,000 km of coastline, regarded to be among the most spectacular in the world and Clean Coasts Week encourages local communities to work together to protect this invaluable natural resource.
Check out the Clean Coasts website to find an event in your area or to register your own! There are also some great prizes to win throughout the week., from weekend breaks to aquaria family passes, tee-shirts and lots more!!!
Source: Clean Coasts
Investing in Science 2012
On 11th July 2012, as part of Europe’s largest science meeting, we’re putting the best European science-based startups in front of people who are ready to invest. We’ll choose 12 teams whose scientific research and discoveries have the most potential to be part of the next generation of successful businesses.
For science-based startups, this is your chance to show the best European investors how you stand out from the rest. Visit the Investing in Science website to find out about the competition dates, and how you can apply.
Source: Investing in Science
Science for Environment Policy issue 283 now available online
Science for Environment Policy issue 283 is now available online. Articles include:
- European health experts warn of climate change's effects on disease
- Cost-effective monitoring of Payments for Environmental Services
- End-of-life vehicles: influence of production costs on recycling rates
- Coordinated efforts needed to ensure safety of nanotechnologies
- Harmonising regional environmental data within a European framework
- Evolution of the electronic waste management system in Spain
Gardening Workshop - Growing Summer Salads
Regardless of the size of your garden, from window boxes to large plots, there is always a space for a wide variety of tasty salad crops. Join the National Botanic Gardens organic gardening crew and find out how you can grow delicious and succulent salads all summer long while being kind to the environment too.
Time: 11.00am, Saturday 19th May
Meet at the Education and Visitor Centre
Cost: €20. Proceeds in aid of the Irish Museum Trust.
Source: National Botanic Gardens
Consultation on the EU Industrial Emissions Directive
The Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government invites comments from stakeholders and interested parties on the transposition of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU).
The Directive revises and merges seven separate existing Directives related to industrial emissions into a single Directive. The Directive aims to simplify existing legislation related to industrial emissions which applies minimum standards for the prevention and control of industrial emissions across the whole Community. The seven existing Directives are the:
- 3 Titanium Dioxide Directives (78/176/EEC, 82/883/EEC and 92/112/EEC) on waste from the titanium dioxide industry);
- Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive (2008/1/EC);
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Solvents Directive (99/13/EC);
- Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC); and
- Large Combustion Plants (LCP) Directive (2001/80/EC).
A Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) has been prepared and outlines the contents / implications of the Directive. The RIA on which comments are sought and the Directive are available on the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government website.
Please note that the consultation does not invite views on the substance of the Industrial Emissions Directive which had already been adopted at EU level but rather its transposition into national law.
Comments on the RIA should be submitted by email or by post to the address below. Comments received will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003 and the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 to 2011 and will be made available publicly on the Department's website.
by email:
by post:
Environment Policy and Awareness,
Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government,
Newtown Road,
Any questions should be referred to or by telephone to 053-9117342.
Comments must be received, at the latest, by Friday 29 June 2012.
Source: Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government
EPA releases preliminary study into the use of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) technology
The EPA has today published a report from a preliminary study on current knowledge about the environmental considerations and impacts of shale gas exploration and extraction, and in particular the use of hydraulic fracturing technology. The study: Hydraulic Fracturing or ‘Fracking’: A Short Summary of Current Knowledge and Potential Environmental Impacts was conducted by the University of Aberdeen.
The report provides an introduction to the environmental aspects of fracking including a review of regulatory approaches used in other countries and areas for further investigation and research.
The information provided by this preliminary research project will now be used to assist the scoping of a more comprehensive study, to be developed in consultation with the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and the Commission for Energy Regulation. The EPA expects to commission this second study in 2012.
The report Hydraulic Fracturing (‘Fracking’): A Short Summary of Current Knowledge and Potential Environmental Impacts is available on the EPA website.
Source: EPA
The Zoo In My Garden
On Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May, The National History Museum on Kildare Street, Dublin, will host a theatre performance involving beautifully made puppets of animals that forage around in our back gardens. 'The Zoo In My Garden' performance will take place at 2.30pm each day and is free of charge, although pre-booking is essential. For information or bookings call 01 6486316 or email
“The Zoo in My Garden” is a collaboration between Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology (IADT), The National Museum of Ireland- Natural History’s Education Department, in association with Theatre Director Denis Conway of Ouroboros Theatre (Ireland).
Hall of Mirrors Exhibition: Farmleigh
Farmleigh Gallery is hosting the 'Hall of Mirrors' exhibition until 22nd July 2012 as part of Dublin City of Science 2012. Hall of Mirrors is a collaboration between international artists and scientists that focuses on visual perception. Hosted at Farmleigh Galleries, it an exciting exhibition that includes, gaming technology, ‘binocular vision’ viewing posts and video art work.
After July, the exhibition will tour Ireland bringing the groundbreaking work to communities around the country.
by CLEARY & CONNOLLY in Collaboration with CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies and Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes & CNRS.
Source: Dublin City of Science 2012
World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy 2012: Dublin
The inaugural Word Congress on Water, Climate and Energy will take place in Dublin, Ireland from the 13-18 May. The venue for this prestigious event is the Convention Centre, Dublin. It will combine multiple scientific sessions with workshops, panel debates, discussion groups, technical tours, Young Water Professional sessions and industry interaction. The format of the congress is unique as we will be offering morning and afternoon plenary sessions, which will provide genuine continuity for all delegates as the themes are discussed throughout each day and as issues and resolutions emerge daily.
For the first time ever, it will provide a forum for genuine joined up thinking at policy, legislative, economic and scientific levels, to frame a coherent model in which to address the urgent issues that are inextricably linked in the areas of Water, Climate, Energy and Food. The key issues will be examined through a rural/urban and national/international dynamic.
A full programme for the conference is available on the event website. Registration is also available online.
Source: International Water Association
Science for Environment Policy issue 282 now available online
Science for Environment Policy issue 282 is now available online. Articles include:
- Airborn carbon nanoparticles over Mediterranean measured
- The conservation effects of Chernobyl 25 years on
- Landscape features can help to predict natural pest control
- Invasive alien plants threaten Antarctic biodiversity
- A mixture of urban tree species best for removing atmospheric ozone
Eirgrid West Link Project launched
The Eirgrid West Link Project was launched on Friday by the Taoiseach and the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The Grid West project, along with the Grid Link project launched a couple of weeks ago in Cork, is a key electricity transmission development under EirGrid’s Grid25 strategy. Minister Rabbitte stated that "This major infrastructure project will contribute to ensure that Ireland’s energy system will be one that will enable the country to have a more secure and reliable supply. In national terms, the ongoing roll out of the Grid 25 programme, together with delivery of the essential North South transmission reinforcements and the completion of the East West Interconnector, which is linking Ireland's electricity system with that of Great Britain, are vital for Ireland’s access to a secure and competitive energy supply."
Source: Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Bathing Water Quality Report
Results for the 2011 bathing season show that overall, the quality of bathing water in Ireland improved in comparison with the 2010 equivalent with 98.5% (133 out of 135) of bathing areas complying with the EU mandatory standard, equating to ‘sufficient’ water quality, while 83% (112 bathing areas) achieved the higher guide standard, equating to ‘good’ water quality. Five new beaches were identified for 2011 and the number of designated bathing waters increased for the first time in 10 years, rising to 135.
Source: Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government
BeGreen: Reduce Waste, Save Money & Benefit The Environment
The EPA have launched BeGreen, a one stop shop for businesses, homes and commercial activities seeking to prevent waste conserve water and reduce energy consumption. Specific guides and videos to promote resource efficient practices have been developed for a wide range of sectors including restaurants, pubs, garages, shops, farms, manufacturers, service providers, hospitals, festivals, colleges, small and medium sized enterprises and households.
The various guides and videos, as well as information about the waste prevention programmes available, can be accessed via the EPA website.
Source: EPA
Best Management Practice Guide Using Compost for Sport Pitch Renovation in Ireland
In 2011 trials were undertaken in Limerick City and Co Kerry to determine whether suitable compost produced from local waste could be used as topdressing for the renovation of sports pitches. Organic waste from the Mungret Civic Amenity Centre was used very successfully in this trial. One of the outcomes of the trial was the production of a best practice management guide.
This project was co-funded by rx3. rx3 is a Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government programme working to develop markets for Irish recyclables. Project funding and support also came from Limerick, Clare & Kerry Regional Waste Management Office’’s EPA Local Authority Prevention Network, Limerick City and Kerry County Council.
The guide illustrates how to use compost as a topdressing for the renovation of sport pitches in Ireland and explain how to integrate it into a overall management programme in order to maintain sport pitches to the highest possible standard.
Download (pdf):
Best Management Practice Guide Using Compost for Sport Pitch Renovation in Ireland within a Sustainable Sport Pitch Maintenence & Mangement System.
Dublin Zoo Book Club - 5th May
A firm favourite in the Zoo’s calendar of events, the group meets monthly. New members always welcome. This event will take place on Saturday 5th May from 11.00 - 12.00 and must be pre-booked. To book a place call the Education Department on (01) 4748932 or email
Source: Dublin Zoo
BioBlitz 2012
BioBlitz is a scientific race against time. The aim of this fun event is to find as many species as possible within a park over a 24 hour period. This is a unique event where scientists, students and the general public can come together and learn how scientists and recorders use their skills to study the wildlife of an area. It will also introduce the non-specialist to the fabulous wealth of biodiversity that occurs all around us.
For information of BioBlitz 2011, please see the National Biodiversity Data Centre website.
A significant development for 2012 is that BioBlitz has now become a cross border event. We are delighted to announce that CEDaR, Northern Ireland will join forces with the National Biodiversity Data Centre on 18 & 19 May.
The 4 parks for BioBlitz 2012 are:
- Crawfordsburn Country Park, Co Down
- Glengarriff National Nature Reserve, Co Cork
- Lough Boora Parklands, Co Offaly
- Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
The event will commence at 17.00 hrs on 18 May 2012 and finish at 17.00 hrs on 19 May 2012. If you are interested in finding out more about Ireland’s natural heritage or would like to join one of the participating teams, please contact the National Biodiversity Data Centre for further details:
Phone: 051 306 240
BioBlitz 2012 will co-incide with the first ever international Fascination of Plants Day on 18 May.
Source: National Biodiversity Data Centre
Issue 9 of 'Biodiversity Ireland' now available online
Issue 9 of the National Biodiversity Data Centre's wildlife magazine Biodiversity Ireland is now available to download online.
Biodiversity Ireland is published in spring and autumn each year. It is intended to be a source of news and information on biological recording initiatives, nationally and internationally and will highlight aspects of the work of the Data Centre.
Articles for issue 9 include:
- Ireland's Sponges
- Savagery, Pollination * Mimicry
- Plenty of Fish in The Sea
- Biodiversity Research
- Biodiversity Tales
- Biodiversity Beginners - Land Snails
- Book Reviews
- News from the Centre
- Distinguished Recorder's Award
Biodiversity exhibition and workshop for schools in celebration of Dublin City of Science 2012
This May and June, for six weeks, The Ark will be running an exhibition, combined with a series of workshops for schools, exploring biodiversity through artistic creativity.
A facilitated tour of the exhibition will take you and your class on an explorative journey through The Ark building to discover fun, investigative and interactive installations. Following the tour of the exhibition, you and your class can partake in one of our creative workshops with renowned Irish artists Terry O’Farrell and Jole Bortoli. Each week, we will have a different themed workshop, giving children a chance to learn and understand biodiversity through the creative arts.
Ticket price per child: €6.50/€4.50* concessions. Participating teachers are not charged. *Concession price is for schools serving disadvantaged areas and schools travelling from outside County Dublin.
To book, telephone our box office staff on (01) 670 77 88 or email
or visit the Ark website for further information and a full schedule of events.
Source: The Ark
White-tailed Sea Eagles nest for the first time in 100 years
A pair of White-tailed Eagles has been confirmed nesting near Mountshannon, Co Clare, the first documented nesting attempt for the species in Ireland in over 100 years. Nest building began in recent weeks with the birds spending much time in and around the nest site before laying eggs. Although the nest has not been visited to confirm the presence of eggs to avoid any unnecessary disturbance, the behaviour of the birds indicated that the birds have nested.
The breeding pair, which settled in the area in early 2011, was released in Killarney National Park, Co. Kerry, as part of the White-tailed Eagle reintroduction programme developed and funded by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in partnership with Golden Eagle trust. This is the first known nesting since the reintroduction programme began.
"This is a truly momentous event", said Dr. Allan Mee, project manager for the Golden Eagle Trust. "It seems a long time since we collected these birds as chicks from nests in the wild in Norway and to see them now nesting in the wild themselves in Ireland is the day we have all been waiting for". The breeding pair, a four year old male and three year old female, was collected in 2008 and 2009 respectively on the island of Frøya off the west coast of Norway.
Further details on the White-tailed Eagle reintroduction programme are available on the Golden Eagle Trust website.
Source: Golden Eagle Trust
Creating a quiet environment
Do you know someone who is doing something to create a healthy soundscape in your working environment, neighbourhood or municipality—implementing innovative solutions to noise problems or creating quiet green areas where the sounds of birds and bees can be enjoyed? If so, encourage them to apply for the European Soundscape Award 2012 which is open for submission from 25 April, the International Noise Awareness Day.
Across Europe, at least 100 million people are exposed to damaging levels of noise from road traffic alone. Exposure to unwanted noise can cause stress and interfere with basic activities such as sleep and study. Prolonged exposure can also trigger illnesses as serious as hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Giving people the opportunity to enjoy greater access to quiet, natural areas can on the other hand improve mental and physical health.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Noise Abatement Society (NAS) want to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy soundscape and to reward European initiatives in the field of noise control or soundscape management. Any product, campaign, innovation or scheme offering a creative solution to a noise problem can be nominated for the award. The award will be presented at a ceremony in London on 6 November 2012.
For more information on how to submit an application, visit the European Soundscape Award webpage. The deadline for applications is 7 September 2012.
Source: EEA
That Bloomin’ Burren
The Burren in May hosts one of Ireland’s best kept treasures – the arrival of a range of wildflowers that paint the landscape and is unrivalled in the rest of the country. The ‘Burren in Bloom’ festival is a celebration of this, opening the magic of this landscape to all.
Running throughout the month of May, Burren in Bloom will hold over 40 talks, walks and events for all age groups which are sure to enhance your appreciation for the unique Burren landscape. The events cover a wide range of topics from birds at dawn to coastal flowers, the geology of railways to a trip down set set-dancing lane.
For the outdoor enthusiasts there are twelve walks throughout the month, including subjects covering history, wildflowers, bumblebees and butterflies, while the early risers can enjoy a champagne breakfast after a dawn chorus walk led by Gordon D’Arcy on the 6th of May. The talks schedule is equally full and includes the story of the X-PO community project in Kilnaboy, a discussion on children’s diminishing link with nature and the intriguingly titled ‘The Burren: saviour of the planet and civilisation?’ delivered by Ray Woods, of Plantlife, Wales.
Families that want to get out and discover the natural world will not be disappointed by the selection of activities on offer. With everyone being encouraged to get active and spend more time outdoors, the festival provides the perfect opportunity to do so with nature games and exciting bug hunts.
No festival is complete without a book launchch to mark it, and Zoe Devlin’s new book, ‘A Personal Record: Wildflowers of Ireland’ is very apt. This beautiful book is Zoë’s own record of wildflowers in Ireland and is filled with striking photos and interesting facts. The launch takes place on the 27th May and the book will be available to purchase throughout the festival.
The Clare Burren Marathon Challenge on Saturday, May 26th is hosted by the Ballyvaughan Fanore Walking Club and will cater for those of a competitive nature, while also being open to families to take a leisurely stroll through the landscape.
The Burren in Bloom Festival is run in association with the Ballyvaughan Community Development Group, Burren College of Art and the Burrenbeo Trust. The festival runs from the 4th of May to the 1st of June. To download the festival brochure visit and for more information contact or 091 638096.
Source: Irish Press Releases
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