Governing Ireland's GMOs

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) is the authority responsible for implementing legislation governing GM food in Ireland. As competent authority, the FSAI ensures that only EU-authorised GM foods are permitted to be sold on the market and that they are labelled appropriately.

The Department of Health (DoH) is charged with GM policy concerning issues such as food information to customers, labelling GM foods (in collaboration with FSAI) and other food safety matters.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is the competent authority for implementing legislation governing GM food and feed for the agri-sector in Ireland to ensure high levels of protection for animal health and human health, and environmental and consumer interest.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the responsible authority for the purposes of EU Directives and national regulations in this area. It also maintains a register of GMO users in Ireland, which is open to public inspection at the agencies headquarters during office hours.

The seed certification division of the DAFM works with the EPA in respect of GM seed regulation, while the animal feed section of DAFM regulates the importation and use of GM feed. The use of GMOs in medicines and pharmaceuticals is the responsibility of the Health Products Regulatory Authority.

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