Protect our Natural Environment
Our natural environment is a priceless part of our heritage: plants and soils help to purify water, forests act as natural carbon sinks, and all animals have a role to play in the food-chain. A healthy natural environment is vitally important for all eco-systems and it is our responsibility to protect it.
What you can do
- Avoid buying peat products – you can make your own compost for free and use it in your garden.
- Think about the chemicals you use in your home – these eventually find their way into the water drainage system. Use natural alternatives wherever possible.
- Buy organic foods. No artificial fertilizers or pesticides are used in production, preventing them from contaminating habitats and entering the food-chain.
- When out for a walk, avoid trampling on plants and try not to disturb the wildlife.
Pollution in our natural environment
Copyright Environmental Potection Agency
Pollution in our natural environment
Copyright Environmental Potection Agency
Copyright Environmental Potection Agency
Pollution in our natural environment
Copyright Environmental Potection Agency
- Be responsible with your litter – our natural environment is not a dumping ground. Litter can endanger wildlife that becomes entangled in it and it also releases toxins that can build up in the environment.
- Don’t block water courses.
- Take photographs home, not plant samples.
- Take part in wildlife surveys to help identify what areas need protecting. See and for information.
- Get involved with green initiatives or community clean up project.
- Change attitudes towards our natural environment – tell your friends what you know!
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- Protect our Natural Environment
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- Use Less Fossil Fuels
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