Online Exhibitions
Exhibitions for Download and Print
The following exhibitions are available for download and printing by public library authorities for display in library branches:
Radioactivity in Your Environment - produced by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (now part of the EPA). An exhibition by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland explaining what radioactivity is, its presence in the environment, how radiation affects us and its benefits and hazards.
Boglands Exhibition - produced by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council.
Dutch Irish Exhibition - produced by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council. Highlights the partnership between the Dutch and Irish people to work towards protecting our peatland heritage.
Flytrap Exhibition - produced by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council. An exhibition about carnivorous plants in the Irish boglands.
Frogs Exhibition - produced by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council. Outlines the life cycle, character, distribution, habitats, threats to and conservation of Irish frogs.
Flukeprints - produced by the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group. Shows Ireland’s 24 species of whales and dolphins and the monitoring and conservation work of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group.
Our Limestone Landscapes - produced by the Irish Wildlife Trust. Discusses the geological, cultural and biodiversity elements of these unique habitats.
Wonderful Wetlands - produced by the Irish Wildlife Trust. Exhibition about Ireland's wetland habitats.
Sustainability Begins at Home Exhibition - produced by the Cultivate Centre. Illustrates sustainable solutions which can be made in the home; includes solutions for design, waste, energy, water and the garden.
Ecological Footprints Exhibition - produced by the Cultivate Centre. Explores the concept of the ecological footprint from both a global and national perspective.
Powerdown - produced by the Cultivate Centre. Addresses the issue of Climate Change and what we can do about it.
Tree Council Exhibition - produced by the Tree Council. Highlights the importance of our native woodlands.
The Race – produced by An Taisce. Children’s exhibition promoting the race against waste.
Garden Bird Detectives - produced by Birdwatch Ireland. Exhibition about garden birds based on Birdwatch Ireland ’s annual garden bird survey.
Irish Wildlife – a photographic exhibition of Irish birds, mammals and insects in their native habitats.
The Rotter’s Guide to Composting – produced by Wicklow County Council. Exhibition based on the very successful Rotter’s Guide for composting garden and food waste.
Ireland’s Marine Expo – an exhibition by the Irish Wildlife Trust. Exhibition illustrating Ireland’s coastal and underwater wonders.
Multimedia Exhibitions
The following exhibitions are available to download for screening by public library authorities:
Our Living Islands.
Designed as an educational video for secondary schools, this DVD explores 6 of Ireland’s island habitats. Covering flora and fauna as well as the human life on our Islands, these episodes give great insight into the wealth of life just beyond our coast.
- Sherkin Island
- Ireland’s Eye/Rockabill Islands
- Aran Islands
- Skellig Islands
- Rathlin Island/ Giant’s Causeway/ Bull Island
Our Living Habitats.
This series of six half-hour documentary examines the wildlife and challenges for sustainability in a range of natural habitats on the island of Ireland.
Below is a sample track from Our Living Habitats.


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