Latin name: Rhododendron ponticum
Irish name: Róslabhras Latin name: Rhododendron ponticum
©Jenny Seawright©Jenny Seawright
Irish name: Róslabhras Latin name: Rhododendron ponticum
©Jenny SeawrightRhododendrons come from China and the Himalayas. There are over 1,000 different species of rhododendron! The name comes from the Greek language. ‘Rhodos’ means ‘rose’ and ‘dendron’ means ‘tree’.
Some are evergreen and others are deciduous.
The common rhododendron is a small, evergreen shrub. It grows to five metres high. It has glossy, dark green leaves.
You will see the big purple or pink flowers in May and June. It is easy to see why so many people love rhododendrons!
It is important to remember that rhododendrons are very poisonous.