Latin name: Alnus glutinosa
Courtesy of Coillte Teoranta
The black alder is a deciduous tree. It grows to about 20-25 metres tall It can grow up to half a metre each year!
How much do you grow each year?
The black alder loves wet, marshy ground. Do you live near a river or a lake? You might to find an alder tree growing nearby.
The round leaves of the alder begin to open out in April. The leaves have a deep green colour. They are smooth and shiny. In the autumn, the leaves fall from the tree.
Lots of people use alder when planting a hedge. The leaves give good shelter from the wind.
Catkins are the name given to the flowers of the alder. They open out in March.
A small bunch of four green, round cones grow on the alder. In the autumn they open and let red-brown coloured seeds go. These seeds are eaten by birds.
Did you know?
Alder wood is used for making harps, clogs, and charcoal. It was once called 'Irish Mahogany'.
The Celts thought the alder was a very special tree. When it is cut, the colour changes from white to red. It was a crime to cut down an alder.