The rocks at this rockpool are covered in barnacles
The rocks at this rockpool are covered in barnacles
Gnáthóg cois cósta
Cruthaítear gnáthóga difriúla cois cósta toisc gheolaíocht na hÉireann, na n-oighearaoiseanna, ár n-aimsire agus an Shruth na Murascaille te.
Is féidir le tonnta stoirme bolláin a ardú ina mbainc chlochacha arda.
Déanann gaineamh a shéideann isteach sna cnoic dumhcha a fhoirmiú.
Tá gnáthóga foscúla cois cósta le fáil i mbánna agus inbhir.
Tá dosaen gnáthóg nó níos mó in aice lena chéile go minic. Tá an éagsúlacht shaibhir cois cósta na hÉireann fíor-speisialta.
The sea moving up the beach for high tide at the Long Strand, Castlefreke, West Cork
The sea moving up the beach for high tide at the Long Strand, Castlefreke, West Cork
Coastal habitats
Differnt habitats are created along the Irish coast because of Ireland’s geology, the ice ages, our weather and the warm Gulf Stream.
Storm waves can lift boulders to form high stony banks.
Sand blown into hills forms dunes.
Sheltered coastal habitats are found in bays and estuaries.
There is often a dozen or more habitats close together. Thje rich variety along the Irish coast is very special.