Tailte Feirme
Fásann lusanna fiáine go flúirseach i measc na bhféara arda. Bíonn na beacha ag déanamh crónáin san aer. Tá fonn na fuiseoige le cloisteáil béal dorais - os cionn an fhéaraigh fhíor-ghlas agus dea-leasaithe. Is samplaí iad seo de thailte féaraigh nó móinéar na hÉireann.
Courtesy of the Irish Wildlife Trust
Is gnáthóg fíor-thábhachtach é talamh féaraigh d’fhiadhúlra na hÉireann agus éagsúlacht speiceas.
Is é féar an planda is coitianta ar fad atá againn. Tá 65-70 faoin gcéad den tír clúdaithe ag talamh féaraigh de chineál áirithe.
Farm & Grasslands
Wildlflowers grow abundantly among the tall grasses. Bees hum in the air. Just over the hedge, the song of a skylark can be heard above the lush, deep green pasture. Both types of habitat are examples of Irish grassland or meadow.
Grassland is an extremely important habitat for Irish wildlife and species diversity.
Grass is our most abundant plant by far. 65-70 per cent of the country is covered by some type of grassland.