The swallow is another example of one of Ireland's migrating birds. It spends the winter in Africa and then visits Ireland from April to October.
Swallow in flight
Swallow in flight.
Copyright Mike BrownCopyright Mike Brown
Swallow in flight
Swallow in flight.
Copyright Mike BrownBoth the male and female adults work together to make the nest. They use mud and plant fibres to build it, and like to nest on rafters in barns, under bridges or on cliff ledges.
Did you know that swallows usually return to the same nest each year?
The swallow is an elegant looking bird. It is a glossy, royal blue colour on top, with a red throat, blue-black breast-band and is white underneath. Every swallow also has a very distinctive forked tail, but the female's tale is a little shorter than the male's.
The swallow is even able to fly low over the river and dip its beak into the water for a drink!