Smólach ceoil
The song thrush is a very common bird in Ireland. It has a brown back and wings, with a white-yellow underneath colour. Sometimes it has black spots on its breast.
Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Copyright Mike BrownSong Thrush
Copyright Mike Brown
Copyright Mike Brown
Song Thrush
Song Thrush
Copyright Mike BrownLike most other birds, it likes to live in gardens, parks or woodland areas. If you are out playing in the garden, it's really very easy to recognise the song thrush.
Unlike other birds, it repeats its song twice. Listen to it's song
and see if you can hear the repitition.
The song thrush loves to eat snails! Have you ever found empty, broken snail shells around stones on the ground? This is often because the song thrush has cracked the shell on a stone so it can feed on the snail.
Its diet also includes insects, worms and berries. Have you ever seen the song thrush searching for worms in the garden? It skips along the grass with its head tilted to one side. It has to do this when looking for food as its eyes are on the side of its head!
Unlike other birds, it repeats its song twice. Listen to it's song
Thrush Song
Copyright managed by the Library Council
The song thrush loves to eat snails! Have you ever found empty, broken snail shells around stones on the ground? This is often because the song thrush has cracked the shell on a stone so it can feed on the snail.
Its diet also includes insects, worms and berries. Have you ever seen the song thrush searching for worms in the garden? It skips along the grass with its head tilted to one side. It has to do this when looking for food as its eyes are on the side of its head!