How are plants that usually grow in such different regions all able to thrive in the same eco-system?
*The Gulf Stream |
The Gulf Stream helps to keep the air along the west coast warm and moist. This is very important for the Mediterranean Plants. |
Natural Heat |
Heat is absorbed into the limestone hills from the sun and this is released during the winter. The hills are actually warmer than the lower areas during the winter. |
Natural Light |
There is lots of light created in the Burren as the sea is reflected off the limestone pavement, and there is nothing to block any light on the landscape. Light is essential for the Arctic-Alpine plants to survive. |
Arctic & Alpine Plants
Mountain avens
Irish name: Leaithín Latin name: Dryas octopetala
©Jenny Seawright©Jenny Seawright
Mountain avens
Irish name: Leaithín Latin name: Dryas octopetala
©Jenny Seawright
Mountain aven: You would expect to find this plant in the Arctic or the Alps. It grows very happily in the Burren despite the mild climate, which is very different to either of its usual habitats. It is thought to have survived from the Ice Age, after being brought here by a glacier.
Spring gentian : This plant is usually found growing high up in the meadows of the Alps, but is found growing very contently at sea level in the Burren.
Spring sandwort: This is another Alpine plant and its presence in the low-lying Burren area is very unusual.
Mediterranean Plants
Dense-flowered orchid
The dense-flowered orchid is one of the Lusitanian Flora group.
©Jenny Seawright©Jenny Seawright
Dense-flowered orchid
The dense-flowered orchid is one of the Lusitanian Flora group.
©Jenny Seawright
Maidenhead fern: This plant usually grows in much warmer climates than the Irish one. It grows deep in the cracks in the limestone pavements where the air is damp.
Dense-flowered orchid: These orchids are very rare in Ireland but quite common in Mediterranean countries such as Italy. They like the gravelly soil of the Burren, and are also found growing in Hazel and Ash woodlands.
Burnet Rose: These small roses are native to southern Europe and northwest Africa. The usually grow along sand dunes and limestone pavements so it is very content in the Burren landscape!