There are two forms of public transport serving Leixlip - bus and train. As buses and trains can transport more people at once than a car, using public transport will help reduce traffic problems and pollution.
Leixlip to Drumcondra Train Route
Leixlip to Drumcondra Train Route
Leixlip to Drumcondra Train Route
Leixlip to Drumcondra Train Route
Leixlip to Drumcondra Train Route
If you wanted to go to Croke Park in Dublin to watch a match you could travel by train.
The nearest train station to Croke park is Drumcondra.
Click here to find out which train you would need to catch to get to Drumcondra for 14.30
Click here to find out which train you would need to catch to get to Drumcondra for 14.30
Leixlip is part of the Dublin Bus network.
It is serviced by the 66 route.
Click here and see if you can work out how long it takes to get to Maynooth from Leixlip village.
It is serviced by the 66 route.
Click here and see if you can work out how long it takes to get to Maynooth from Leixlip village.