Transport Plan

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The traffic problems in Leixlip were similar to problems around the country. In 1995, the Government realised that it was necessary to improve transport in and around Dublin. This included Leixlip.

It was planned to reduce the number of people going to work by car, by improving public transport. The Government wanted to reduce the bad effects of transport - noise, air pollution and greenhouse gases.

It was decided to promote cycling and walking as safe and healthy means of transport. They also wanted to reduce traffic jams and increase the average speed at peak times.

(A Platform for Change. Dublin Transportation Office, 2001)

Transport Solutions


The Government planned to help the traffic problem in Leixlip by improving Suburban Rail.

The Arrow service was introduced and the single rail track was changed into a twin track so that trains could travel to and from Leixlip at the same time.


The Government planned to help the traffic problem in Leixlip by improving National Roads. The Leixlip Bypass M4 was built so that traffic would not go through Leixlip town.


Bus Corridors (Bus lanes) were introduced to speed up bus journeys. The Government hoped that faster bus journeys would encourage people to leave their cars at home, which would reduce traffic jams.

Cycling and Walking

Cycle lanes and footpaths were built to promote cycling and walking as a safe and healthy means of transport.

A Platform for Change

To ease traffic and transport problems in Leixlip and around the country the Government published a document which outlined what they would do.

To see the document, called "A Platform for Change", published by the Dublin Transportation Office in 2001 click here .