The farmer's wife and children took care of the hens, ducks and geese and also the small vegetable patch that was usually close to the farmhouse.
This farmer is making hay. He is using a pitchfork to toss the hay. What is the child doing? Is he helping?
Children on the Farm
Children on the farm
In this old photograph you can see two children climbing over a door of a farm outhouse. Children on farms long ago had lots of fun playing around the fields and cow houses. However they also had to do lots of work on the farm. Children would often have to pick potatoes, weed the vegetable patch and fetch water from the well. Would you like to have lived on a farm long ago?
Children on the farm
In this old photograph you can see two children climbing over a door of a farm outhouse. Children on farms long ago had lots of fun playing around the fields and cow houses. However they also had to do lots of work on the farm. Children would often have to pick potatoes, weed the vegetable patch and fetch water from the well. Would you like to have lived on a farm long ago?
Long ago the children's role on the farm was very important.
Both young boys and girls had to complete daily tasks such as fetching fuel and water, feeding the hens and tending to the vegetable patch. They also helped out a lot during harvest time.
Many farming children missed school in September because they were picking potatoes.