Urban area
Urban area
Courtesy of the EPAUrban area
Courtesy of the EPA
Courtesy of the EPA
Urban area
Urban area
Courtesy of the EPAArtificial Lake in St. Stephen's Green
Copyright John Kennedy
Artificial Lake in St. Stephen's Green
Copyright John Kennedy
Copyright John Kennedy
Artificial Lake in St. Stephen's Green
Copyright John Kennedy
Bailte, gairdíní agus páirceanna
Ní cheapfadh duine go gcothódh sráideanna, cosáin agus sraitheanna tithe bithéagsúlacht ach is iomaí ainmhí agus planda a bhíonn gnáthóga acu fiú sna cathracha is mó daonra againn. Taitníonn páirceanna, gairdíní agus reiligí inár limistéir uirbeacha go mór leis an bhfiadhúlra.
Towns, gardens and parks
Streets, pavements and terraces of houses might seem unfavourable for biodiversity, but even our most densely populated cities are habitats for a wide variety of plants and animals. Urban areas containing parks, gardens and graveyards are particularly attractive to wildlife.