An Ghlasluibh
Tá glasluibh ar cheann de speiceas ‘iarsmach’ na hÉireann. Is planda í atá tar éis maireachtáil ón oighearaois agus atá le fáil de ghnáth in áiteanna eile faoi choinníollacha Artacha. Is planda beag síorghlas atá inti le róiséad de dhuilleoga ubhacha simplí. Bíonn na bláthanna bán, bánbhuí nó bándearg.
Wintergreen is one of Ireland’s unusual ‘relic’ species, a plant that has survived since the last ice age, typically found elsewhere in arctic conditions. It is a small evergreen plant with a rosette of simple ovate leaves. The flowers are white, cream or pink.