Experiments and Projects

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Static electricity experiments at http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/

Simple circuits to try out in the classroom at: http://www.ourlady.co.uk/work-science4a.htm

Make a lemon battery. Instructions on youtube.com (type in ‘lemon battery’)

The ‘Enviro Battery’ kit (STG£7.95) is available from www.curious-minds.co.uk – it includes the lemon battery and lots of other ‘eco-friendly’ batteries

Make a sparker: www.exploratorium.edu/science_explorer/sparker.html

Other activities

Organise a group challenge:
Divide your class into teams and get each team to investigate the best renewable energy option for your local community.

Case study some of the Irish research groups active in electricity and energy research. Children might profile the scientists and engineers or attempt to interview them.

Find out: Are there many women scientists and engineers in this research area?