Why did Annie Slater break her ankle in 2040?
Key question
What are the possible impacts of climate change in Ireland?
The aim of this is to get children thinking further about the concept of climate change and how it may impact on people. The activity is straightforward – but the thinking and discussion involved may surprise the children!
The ‘Why did Annie Slater break her ankle in 2040’ activity sheet (Investigation 18) needs to be cut up and put in an envelope – the children can do this.
Learning outcomes
On completing these activities all children will be able to:
> recall possible impacts of climate change;
> work together with others to come to conclusions; and
> reflect on their learning processes.
Resource sheet: Annie Slater
Scissors and envelope
Learning activities
Introduce the concept of a mystery: Today we are going to solve a mystery using a number of clues. Children look at the photograph of the Franz Josef Glacier (Resource Card 23).
1. Get the children to look at the cards for a couple of minutes to get a flavour of the activity.
2. Discuss how the cards could be sorted into groups or categories. The children may all do different things with the cards.
3. There are many questions you could ask the children:
- What has happened to the Gulf Stream?
- How has this had an impact on the Irish way of life?
- Who or what is to blame for Annie breaking her ankle?
- When or how could this chain of events have been interrupted to prevent this incident from occurring?
- What have they learned – which do they think was the greater here: The impact of people on the climate or the climate’s impact on people?
4. The children can also think about their own processes of thinking:
- Why did you place the cards as you did?
- What conclusions did you come to and why?