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Be a detective

You will now examine maps and images of Raheny through time.

By looking at the differences between Raheny back then and Raheny now we can see the changes that have happened in the area. Examine the postcard picture of Main Street Raheny Village below. When do you think it was taken?


Raheny Photo Detective

Raheny Photo Detective

Can you see the difference?

Compare the different images of Raheny back then and Raheny now. Has the scene changed much? What are the significant changes? How many can you find?

Can you find pictures like this of where you live to show some of the changes that have occured over time in that area?

Dublin city's area expanded in the 1920's and 1930's to take in Raheny and the area along the sea from Clontarf to the boundary with Howth. This meant that more people came to live in Raheny.

Good transport to the city such as nearby trains, trams and buses by the late 1930's meant that the village of Raheny began to have more and more houses.

When an area which was once rural develops near a city it is known as suburbanization.