The Dublin Civic Survey was published in 1925.
This map shows areas of recreation and education in the area of Dublin.
It shows schools, libraries, theatres and cinemas as well as parks.
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Dublin Bay Map zoomed
Here is a closer look at a map of Dublin Bay
Using a key
Look at the map showing Raheny and its surrounding area in 1925.
Find all the schools in the Raheny area. They are marked in little red dots.
A map showing Dublin Bay
Find all the schools in the Raheny area. They are marked in little red dots. Find all the parks and play areas. If you were a child in Raheny in 1925 where would you have played? Notice that this map does not show St.Anne’s Park Raheny because it was a private estate until it was bought by Dublin Corporation in 1939.
A map showing Dublin Bay
Find all the schools in the Raheny area. They are marked in little red dots. Find all the parks and play areas. If you were a child in Raheny in 1925 where would you have played? Notice that this map does not show St.Anne’s Park Raheny because it was a private estate until it was bought by Dublin Corporation in 1939.
Find all the parks and play areas. If you were a child in Raheny in 1925 where would you have played?
Notice that this map does not show St.Anne's Park Raheny because it was a private estate until it was bought by Dublin Corporation in 1939.