Overview of the Unit

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Explore a Village Overview
  • Learning geography from pictures and aerial photographs.
  • Understanding land use. Making a plan from an aerial photograph.
Explore a Village detailed
  • Modern day image of village of Raheny village, Dublin will be displayed. Children speculate on where it is.
  • Aerial photographs of Raheny are presented on screen. Land use and lay-out of village examined.
  • Activities section 1: Children will learn things which are featured on aerial photographs. Children match pictures to places on the photographs and learn some information about land use such as residential, public and open space. They can be encouraged to make a plan drawing from an aerial photograph.
Map Detective Overview

Where is this place? What is it like? Examining symbols, scale and direction. Locating features and transport routes. Interpreting map conventions. Designing and using a map key.

Map Detective detailed

Examination of two road maps showing the location of Raheny in the greater Dublin area.

Attention drawn to area of the village and to nearby bay, island, parks, fishing port and harbour and ferry areas.

  • Activity: Interpreting maps.
  • Designing a map key. Shading in a map.
  • Transport routes-roads shown on map.
  • Plotting a route by road.
Map Detective Place

Study will focus on key questions:

1. Where is this place?:
  • Study of maps of varying scales
  • Raheny-where in Ireland, where in Dublin Is it near the sea? A river?
2. What is the place like?

Is it rural/urban/ a suburb? Who lives here? What kind of homes do people live in ? What buildings feature prominently-churches, schools, station..What leisure areas?

3.What does the place look like? What is the land being used for?
  • What natural features and man-made features are in the area?
  • Pictures of these and they should be seen also on aerial photographs and maps.
How is this place changing?
  • Examination of a variety of barony maps, Ordnance Survey maps 19th and 20th century and modern map of the Raheny area. Comparing and contrasting maps. Aerial photograph of St. Anne's Park c.1940.
  • Examination of a variety of maps and pictures showing Raheny at different times. Are there newer areas of settlement and older areas?
  • What changes have happened to the village and surrounding area?
  • Patterns of settlements-where did people/do people live?
Conduct a Survey

Children will get a template to help them to carry out a survey in their own area.