A Fisherman in his Working Clothes
Photograph of a fisherman aboard the vessel La Morna. He is wearing yellow, waterproof bib overalls over a heavy polo-neck woolen sweater.
The Irish SkipperThe Irish Skipper
A Fisherman in his Working Clothes
Photograph of a fisherman aboard the vessel La Morna. He is wearing yellow, waterproof bib overalls over a heavy polo-neck woolen sweater.
The Irish SkipperWorkman's Clothing in 2006
Colour photograph of a construction worker. He is wearing a red zip-up coverall a blue safety helmet. Under modern health and safety rules, all construction workers must wear protective clothing and safety helmets on sites.
Plan Magazines, Ltd.Plan Magazines, Ltd.
Workman's Clothing in 2006
Colour photograph of a construction worker. He is wearing a red zip-up coverall a blue safety helmet. Under modern health and safety rules, all construction workers must wear protective clothing and safety helmets on sites.
Plan Magazines, Ltd.In your community, there are lots of people who work in different jobs each playing their part in your local area. Many people work in services such as shops, post offices, banks, hair dressers and libraries. Others work in the community such as teachers, doctors, nurses, dentists, fire fighters, priests and Gardaí. Some people have a trade and work as electricians, painters or mechanics. Some work in tourism, others work in offices or factories.
There are many different jobs in your locality. Make a list of all the different jobs people work at in your area. Sort them into different groups.
What would your dream job be when you are older?
Investigate people who work in your area by studying the map of your locality on Google Earth.