Spot Heights and Trig Points

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Spot Heights

This is a Spot Height and it means that Knocknacloghoge is 534m above sea level and that this is the top of this particular hill or mountain.


Find the Spot Heights

Find the Spot Heights

Trig Points

Trig points or Triangulation Pillars are another way of spotting the top of a mountain on a map.

The symbol for a trig point is a small triangle.

Look at Djouce Mountain on this section of map. Can you see the triangle? The number beside it shows the height above sea level.

Triangulation pillars are used by map makers. They are real concrete pillars that are placed at particular places which are usually the tops of hills or mountains.

Look at this photograph of a triangulation pillar. Can you can see that it is at a high point in the landsacape?

Even though it may be hard to see in this picture, triangulation pillars have four sides. They are usually about 1 metre high and flat on the top.

If you are hill walking and see one, you can check the map and confirm what part of the landscape you have reached.