Comparing how we go to school

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Transport to school: which is the best way?

Compare transport by bus, car, bicycle and walking to school.
Use the boxes below to drag and drop the reasons listed into the correct transport category.
You can also add your own reasons to the list.


Comparing transport to school by bus and car:

Comparing transport to school by bus and car:


Advantages & Disadvantages of travel by bicycle:

Advantages & Disadvantages of travel by bicycle:


Advantages & Disadvantages of travel by walking:

Advantages & Disadvantages of travel by walking:

Travel to school in our grandparents' time

In our grandparents' time, there were no school buses.

Children often walked to school (Alice Taylor, To School Through the Fields).

Schools were small and local.

As rural populations declined, some schools did not have enough pupils to continue to run the school.

School buses were used to transport the children to bigger schools with better resources.