A Mouse
A house mouse on a brick floor
Courtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentCourtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
A Mouse
A house mouse on a brick floor
Courtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government1) Mice and Rats: While mice and rats can hear up to about 95,000 vibrations per second, a very high sound, elephants can hear very low sounds, 1 vibration per second, and pidgeons can hear even lower still, 0.1 vibration per second
2) Dogs and Sounds: Most dogs hate the sound of fireworks. Some guide dogs (and they take lots of time and money to train) become so agitated when they hear fireworks that they are unable to function as Guide Dogs anymore.
3) Insects and Hearing: Most insects are, in fact, deaf!
4) Frogs Ears: The frog has an eardrum outside the body behind the eye
5) Your Heart: The first stethoscope was invented in 1816 using a roll of paper
6) Underwater Sound: Whales can make sounds that can be heard up to 530 miles away
Scattery Lighthouse
Scattery Lighthouse on a cliff with a bird flying in front
Courtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local GovernmentCourtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Scattery Lighthouse
Scattery Lighthouse on a cliff with a bird flying in front
Courtesy of Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government7) Lighthouse Sounds: Many lighthouses have a horn to help guide ships in foggy weather. These foghorns, which make their sounds by quickly releasing compressed air, can be heard for distances of up to 13km (8 miles). Each lighthouse has its own distictive combination of long and short horn blasts, so the ship'd captian can tell where he is.
8) Snakes: Snakes have no ears on the outside of their bodies.sound waves from the air, hit their skin and are transferred from muscle to bone and on to their middle ear insode their bodies
9) Crickets: Crickets hear using their legs!!! Sounds waves vibrate a thin membrane (a bit like the human eardrum) on the cricket's front legs, which sends a message to the crickets brain.