Gliomaigh fionnusice

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Gliomaigh fionnusice

Is cosúil gurb iad oird na manach Francach a thug na gliomaigh seo go hÉirinn. Tá ról tábhachtach acu i ngnáthóga uisce óir itheann siad feithidí agus plandaí agus is bia iad ag bric, eascanna agus dobharchúnna. Is fearr leo áiteanna a bhfuil aolchloch iontu le cabhrú leo a mblaoscanna a dhéanamh. Cuireann truailliú as dóibh.

Freshwater Crayfish

Essentially a freshwater lobster, the crayfish was probably introduced to Ireland by French monastic orders. It has an important role in local aquatic habitats, feeding on insects and plants and being eaten by trout, eels and otters. It favours limestone geology to build its hard shell and is sensitive to pollution.