Nuacht Bhallach an Chaoráin

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Nuacht Bhallach an Chaoráin

Bíonn gais an phlanda soladach agus is féidir leo fás go hairde 15-45cm. Bíonn spotaí dubha ar na duilleoga go hiondúil, agus ní bhíonn níos mó ná seacht nduilleog ar gach planda. Tá na bláthanna bándearg éadrom le stríocáin nó spotaí corcra agus bíonn siad le feiceáil idir Meitheamh agus Lúnasa.

Heath Spotted Orchid

The stems of the plant are solid and can grow 15-45cm in height. The leaves are usually spotted with black, with no more than seven leaves per plant. The flowers are pale pink with purple streaks or spots, and appear between June and August.