Neadaíonn 19 speiceas difriúil na mbubóg Éireannach sa talamh agus i mbainc na bhfálta, ag bailiú pailine ó lusanna fiáine chun beacha óga a bheathú don chéad trí sheachtain, agus an neachtar a thógáil ar ais chuig an gcoirceog chun mil a dhéanamh. Tá titim ghéar feicthe le déanaí toisc scoitheadh na bhfálta sceach.
Bumble Bee
Ireland’s 19 different bumble bee species nest in the ground and in hedge banks, collecting pollen from wildflowers to feed bee babies for the first three weeks, then bringing nectar back to the hive to make honey. Hedgerow removal has contributed to their recent sharp decline.