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Is sinsearaigh fhiáine na n-úlla inite iad na fia-úlla. Soláthraíonn an planda baile agus cothú do 90 speiceas d’fheithidí. Itheann éin, broic, lucha agus sionnaigh na húlla beaga. Tá siad ró-shearbh le n-ithe do dhaoine, murach go ndéantar iad a chócaráil mar shubh nó ghlóthach.

Crab Apple

Crab apples are the wild ancestors of eating apples. The plant provides a home and sustenance to 90 insect species. The small apples are eaten by birds, badgers, mice and foxes. They are too bitter for humans to eat unless cooked up as jam or jelly.